English Teaching

Positions Available NOW


English Teaching Assitant

English Teaching Assitant
Start date : 2023-02-15
Map : Taiwan
City : Taipei
Full time
1909 View
  • Sub catagory :
    Elementary, Junior High/ Senior High
  • Employment type :
    Full time
  • Job details :
    TLI is looking for ETA (English Teacher Assistant) with Taipei City Government

    As one of Taiwan’s leading institutes, TLI strives to employ only the BEST teachers. We are now seeking teachers who are as passionate about teaching as we are!

    We are looking for you!
    Implementing the new bilingual education policy, Taipei Language Institute (referred to as TLI) is entrusted by the Department of Education, Taipei City Government to help secondary schools to execute bilingual teaching plans in 2022. In order to strengthen the competitiveness and disseminate knowledge of various professions, bilingual education is to be integrated across various subjects taught in the school curriculum which is a clear step forward for Taiwan on the international stage.
    A rare opportunity is provided by TLI and the Department of Education, Taipei City Government. Not only does TLI hire high-quality, experienced teachers, but we also look for those who can develop a passion and enthusiasm for teaching. We have created an internship project for those eager to gain experience in teaching and who love to get along with students of all ages.

    Here are some conditions for the candidates applying for this full-time position:
    1. Bachelor’s degree.
    2. Full availability from 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Monday to Friday.
    3. Teaching 20 hours maximum a week (Monday to Friday).
    4. Staying at the campus preparing for teaching-related work by working hours as needed.
    5. Attend teacher training and meetings regularly.
    6. Must follow the host school policies and the supervisor from TLI.
    7. Willing to allow periodic observation and evaluation of teaching
    8. English as the Mother Tongue.
    9. Candidates with dual citizenship are also eligible.
    10. Sign a contract for one year.

    Policy-related benefits:
    1. Assistance with applying for a work permit.
    2. Labor insurance.
    3. National health insurance.
    4. Holiday leave

    Other Benefits:
    1. Opportunity to earn additional income by teaching at TLI.
    2. Company activities (Playing badminton, Pilates…).
    3. Chinese group classes for free.
    4. Discount on learning other languages through TLI (1 on 1 class).
    5. Housing allowance (Single for $5000/month, with household for $10,000/month).
    6. Complimentary one-way economy class air ticket.

    According to the needs of English co-teaching teachers combined with the development of the school's English curriculum and international education issues, plans are made for:
    1. Bilingual integration
    2. International cultural issues
    3. Cross-disciplinary curriculum development"
    4. Professional growth of teachers

    Candidates must:
    1. Love teaching and being open-minded.
    2. Know how to design curriculums.
    3. Be able and willing to develop teaching materials.
    4. An energetic personality with the ability to thrive in a multicultural environment
    5. The unique ability to motivate and engage with students, and inspire learning.
    6. A fun, friendly, and enthusiastic personality!
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