English Teaching

Positions Available NOW


International School ESL Teacher

International School ESL Teacher
Start date : 2023-08-15
Employer : Wuhan Bridge
Map : China
City : Beijing
Full time
2818 View
  • Sub catagory :
  • Employment type :
    Full time
  • Job details :
    Location: Beijing city, China
    Contract Term: one school year, starts from Aug. 2023
    Students Age: 8-12 years old
    Work Days: Monday to Friday, two days off on weekends
    Work hours: 20-22 classes teaching hours per week
    Remuneration and Benefits
    Salary: RMB32,000 to RMB40,000 monthly before tax
    Accommodation: Independent apartment provided or housing allowance provided
    Vacation: full paid 6 weeks summer vacation and 4 weeks winter vacation
    Holidays: full paid 11 days public holidays
    Extra bonus: RMB21,000 each semester, 2 semester a year
    Airfare allowance: up to RMB12,000 yearly upon contract fulfillment
    Insurance: provided
    Work Visa: offer working permit
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