English Teaching

Positions Available NOW


English Teacher in Taichung, Taiwan

English Teacher in Taichung, Taiwan
Start date : 2024-01-31
Employer : Saxoncourt
Map : Taiwan
City : Taichung
Full time
9438 View
  • Sub catagory :
  • Employment type :
    Full time
  • Job details :
    Have a new adventure in Taiwan and teach English to students 3-12 years old!

    There are 8-16 students per class (curriculum and materials are included).

    Job Requirements

    - A passport from the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, or South Africa.
    - Associate or bachelor degree.
    - 120-hour TEFL certificate.
    - Criminal background check.

    Salary and Benefits

    - 600-640 TWD (21.50-23 USD) / hour starting rate.
    - 15,000 TWD end-of-contract bonus.
    - National health insurance.
    - 14 days holiday.
    - 20 guaranteed weekly teaching hours.
    - Career opportunities in Taiwan.
    - Orientation training, welfare support and western academic management.

    Apply Here

    If you need advice on which city to choose, send us a message: applications@saxoncourt.com.
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