English Teaching

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English Teacher in Chongqing + free apartment

English Teacher in Chongqing + free apartment
Start date : 2021-03-22
Employer : Saxoncourt
Map : China
City : Shanghai
Full time
1112 View
  • Sub catagory :
    Elementary, Junior High/ Senior High
  • Employment type :
    Full time
  • Job details :
    NOTE: this website's system doesn't contain the city Chongqing so it is listed as Shanghai. This job is in Chongqing.

    Teach English in Chongqing + free apartment

    This new school is quickly expanding, so they are looking for new teachers. In just over a year the school has grown to 60 students. As the school is still relatively small, they have a close-knit team that enjoys a friendly and relaxed working environment, while keeping a professional approach towards the education of their students.

    The school will provide a fully-tailored curriculum for the teacher to follow, however, the school welcomes teachers to bring their own creative ideas into the classroom. Teachers can use the beautiful outdoor playground for fun activities they feel will help with the students’ learning.

    The position comes with a free apartment at walking distance of the school.

    25 teaching hours + 5 office hours per week.
    Students: 3-16 years old, max. 16 per class.
    A teaching assistant will help with activities, classroom behavior and checking work in the younger classes.
    All curriculum books, CDs, educational toys and teaching resources will be provided.
    You can bring any music, games, and other teaching materials to fit your teaching style. There is also a beautiful outdoor playground.

    Salary and Benefits

    16,000-18,000 RMB ($2420-2720) per month.
    Free apartment (or additional 1000 RMB housing allowance).
    Health insurance.
    Visa costs within China covered.
    5 working days per week with 2 consecutive days off.
    22 days paid holiday (includes national holidays).
    2000 RMB end of contract bonus and up to 4200 RMB flight reimbursement.
    The school will meet you at the airport and assist with setting up a bank account, getting a local sim card, and general orientation.
    Paid 3-day teacher training.
    Opportunities for career development (Teacher Management, Teacher Training, Marketing and Sales, Publishing, Teacher Recruitment).


    You have a passport from New Zealand, South Africa, Ireland, Canada, Australia, United Kingdom or United States.
    A bachelor’s degree or better.
    A 120-hour TEFL certificate or better.
    A clear criminal background.

    About Chongqing

    Chongqing is a very large, modern city with many parks, winding rivers, and it is surrounded by mountains. With tree-lined streets everywhere, it feels very green. It is certainly an interesting alternative to the more obvious locations, and you’ll feel rewarded for exploring its cultural and natural attractions.

    Apply Here

    For questions, send a message to applications@saxoncourt.com.
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